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3 подписчика

Oil Prices Sink in Run-Up to OPEC Meet

Oil prices slumped on Friday, with Brent crude falling 1.57% in afternoon trading as the oil demand outlook out of China continues to weigh on market sentiment. Oil prices are set to finish out a loss for the week, a weak starting point for OPEC as they prepare for their Joint Ministerial

Canada Set To Delay Trans Mountain Pipeline Sale After 2025 Election

  Canada’s federal government plans to postpone the sale of the state-owned Trans Mountain oil pipeline for after the 2025 general election amid politics, regulations, and slow progress in talks with indigenous groups, Bloomberg reported on Friday, quoting officials with knowledge of the

Volatility Dominates Oil Markets Amid Mixed Signals

It's been a volatile week in oil markets as concerns over Chinese demand pressured prices despite a decline in U.S. crude inventories and wildfires in Canada.Friday, July 26th, 2024A rollercoaster of the week has left most market watchers guessing as to what might be coming up next for oil.

Technology and EVs Send China’s Power Demand Surging

Chinese electricity consumption in the data services industry and for charging and battery services soared in the first half of 2024, driven by technology and electric vehicles, data from the China Electricity Council has shown. Power consumption in data centers, big data, and cloud computing

Mexico Set to Import More Fuel as Mega Refinery Startup Is Delayed

Mexico is scouring the U.S. and Asian fuel markets for more imports of gasoline and diesel in 2024 and 2025 as the country’s newest refinery is struggling to start up, several traders have told Reuters. The Olmeca refinery, also known as Dos Bocas, is a flagship project of outgoing Mexican

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