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3 подписчика

What Does Von der Leyen’s Re-Election Mean for Europe’s Future?

The European Parliament's endorsement on July 18 of German Ursula von der Leyen for a second five-year term as president of the European Commission marks a bid for continuity in the EU's executive branch with a seasoned politician whose European tenure has been inextricably bound to the fortunes of

Could the UK’s Crown Estate Shake-Up Accelerate Offshore Wind Investment?

King Charles announced no fewer than 40 government bills in his traditional speech to mark the State Opening of Parliament. From establishing a new wealth fund, to charging VAT on private schools, to radical changes to the planning process, the King’s Speech was heavy on big, headline-grabbing

Turkey Willing To Boost EU Gas Exports If Bloc Guarantees Demand

Turkey has said it is prepared to significantly increase natural gas exports to the European Union, desperate to further wean itself off Russian gas, but it won’t be easy or cheap: In order to do that, the most likely route is to re-export Azeri natural gas from Turkey. That, in turn, would require

Why China’s Commodity Imports Rise amid Struggling Economy

So far this year, China has imported growing volumes of most of the key commodities, with the notable exception of crude oil. Chinese purchases of LNG, coal, copper, and iron ore jumped in the first half of the year compared to year-ago levels, despite a continued property crisis and a faltering

The Dramatic Fall of Mexico’s Oil Giant

Once one of the world’s most successful oil companies, the Mexican state-owned firm Pemex, has been falling increasingly into debt over the last decade, only surviving by pursuing cheaper shallow-water oil operations and being bailed out by the government. The recently elected incumbent Mexican

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