На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)


3 подписчика

U.S. is Facing a Major Energy Crunch Due to AI's Insatiable Demand

To date, the runaway growth of the Artificial Intelligence agency has proven itself to be all but ungovernable. As the technology has taken over the tech sector like wildfire, regulators have been largely impotent to stay ahead of its spread and evolution. Questions about the reach and

What Are America’s Cheapest Energy Sources?

In the evolving global energy landscape, renewable sources are becoming increasingly cost effective. Even without subsidies, renewables are often the cheapest option available. This chart, created by Visual Capitalist's Selin Oguz and Ryan Bellafontaine, in partnership with the National Public

EU Leverages Frozen Russian Assets for €1.5 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has announced that the European Union will send Ukraine 1.5 billion euros ($1.63 billion) that represent revenues from Russian assets frozen by the 27-member bloc. "Today we transfer 1.5 billion in proceeds from immobilized Russian assets to the

Nigeria's Dangote Refinery Reselling Imported Crude Oil

Nigeria's largest refinery, the Dangote Petroleum Refinery, is reselling crude oil cargoes from both the United States and Nigeria. Reuters sources indicate that this move, unusual for refineries, stems from technical challenges at the plant. The refinery, which began production in January 2024,

Oil Rig Count Jumps as Drilling Activity Picks Up

The total number of active drilling rigs for oil and gas in the United States rose this week, according to new data that Baker Hughes published on Friday. The total rig count rose by 3 to 589 this week, compared to 664 rigs this same time last year. The number of oil rigs rose by 5 this week, after

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