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3 подписчика

21 Oil and Gas Firms Bid on New Exploration Areas in Norway

Norway’s latest license round for new acreage in the best-explored areas on the shelf has attracted bids from 21 oil and gas companies, the Norwegian Energy Ministry said on Friday. Norway holds an annual license round for exploration acreage in the best-known and mature areas on the Norwegian

21 Oil and Gas Firms Bid on New Exploration Areas in Norway

Norway’s latest license round for new acreage in the best-explored areas on the shelf has attracted bids from 21 oil and gas companies, the Norwegian Energy Ministry said on Friday. Norway holds an annual license round for exploration acreage in the best-known and mature areas on the Norwegian

21 Oil and Gas Firms Bid on New Exploration Areas in Norway

Norway’s latest license round for new acreage in the best-explored areas on the shelf has attracted bids from 21 oil and gas companies, the Norwegian Energy Ministry said on Friday. Norway holds an annual license round for exploration acreage in the best-known and mature areas on the Norwegian

Bearish Sentiment Has Taken Over Oil Markets

Bearish sentiment has well and truly taken over oil markets, with oil prices barely reacting to the OPEC+ decision to postpone its plan to boost production.Friday, September 6th, 2024Usually, high-impact OPEC+ decisions trigger a notable reaction in the oil markets, but not this time. Sentiment has

Texas Denies State Funding to 1.3 GW Natural Gas Plant Project

Texas regulators have denied state funding to a proposed 1.3-gigawatt natural gas-fired power plant, due to the applicant failing to meet due diligence, days after shortlisting the project as eligible to receive low-interest rate loans from the Texas Energy Fund. The Public Utility Commission of

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