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3 подписчика

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and

Goldman Sachs: Next President Will Have Limited Tools to Raise U.S. Oil Supply

The next U.S. president will have a very limited set of tools to materially boost oil supply in the United States, according to investment bank Goldman Sachs. Whoever wins the presidential election in November will have to contend with low stocks in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Moreover,

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